

Find all relevant company information and legal details related to our business. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

This is who we are:

  • Company Name: Gestoraz Gestores S.L.
  • Address: Calle Las Barcas 2, Portal 2, Escalera 1, 46002 Valencia, Spain.
  • NIF: B75247551.
  • Legal form: Sociedad Limitada (similar to a limited liability company)
  • Email:
  • Phone: +34 960 13 33 33
  • D-U-N-S ® Number: 472576528
  • Asociado API: 01611
  • RAICV: 4140

Gestoraz Gestores S.L. is registered in the Valencia Commercial Register:

Section: 8, Page: V 220941, Registration or annotation: 1.

Gestoraz® is a registered trade name (N0476131) in Spain, owned by Gestoraz Gestores S.L.

Gestoraz is not a bank, accountant, tax/investment advisor, or law firm. We act as intermediaries, facilitating the collaboration process with financial and legal professionals. For advice on your specific situation, we recommend contacting a lawyer or financial professional.

The official activities of Gestoraz can be found in the table below.

CNAE Code Activity
6831 Real Estate Agents
8211 Combined Administrative Services
8299 Other Business Support Activities (Not Classified Elsewhere)

Do you need assistance?

We understand that the information can be overwhelming. Things often work differently abroad than you are used to. That's why we are here to answer your questions.

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