The impact of your NIE on your tax status in Spain

This information is up to date and has been checked on 2025.

NIE number and tax residency

Having an NIE number does not automatically mean that you’re a tax resident in Spain. You become a tax resident if you stay in Spain for more than 183 days per year or if your main economic interests lie in Spain.

Tax obligations with an NIE number

With an NIE number, you’re not automatically obliged to pay certain taxes unless you generate income in Spain. This can range from income tax (IRPF) to wealth tax, depending on your personal situation.

Double taxation treaties

If you have income in both the Netherlands and Spain, it’s important to understand how the double taxation treaties between these countries work. This can affect how much tax you have to pay and in which country.

An NIE number can impact your tax status in Spain, but only if you generate income in the country. It’s therefore advisable to speak with a tax advisor to assess your specific situation.

Get help from a specialist.
Apply for your NIE entirely remotely.
Register your NIE as NIF or request a new NIF.
Application for your NUSS number.
We fill out the Modelo 210 for you and submit it.
Complete formation of your S.L.
Full registration as Autónomo.
Full registration as Autónomo.
Complete formation of your S.L.

Obtain your Digital Certificate entirely remotely.

We help you with everything necessary to become a resident.
Payment options available afterward or in installments.
Rated Excellent on Trustpilot.
Get help from a specialist.
Request your NIE completely remotely.
Register your NIE as a NIF or apply for a new NIF.
Request your NUSS number.
We fill out the Modelo 210 for you and submit it.
Complete establishment of your S.L.
Full registration as an Autónomo.
Full registration as an Autónomo.
Complete establishment of your S.L.

Request your Digital Certificate completely remotely.

We'll help you with everything you need to become a resident.
It is possible to pay afterwards or in installments.
Rated 'Excellent' on Trustpilot.

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