Agencia Tributaria
Registered Collaborator
If you own, rent or sell a property in Spain as a non-resident, you are required to file the Modelo 210 tax form every year.
As a qualified Social Officer of the Agencia Tributaria, we make sure that your tax return is sent on time and that you pay or receive exactly the right amount.
There are several situations in which you are required to file Modelo 210. If you own or rent a home, you must do so annually. If you sell your home, you must file Modelo 210 within four months of the sale.
On the right you will find answers to frequently asked questions about Modelo 210. If your question is not listed here, you can chat with us. We will help you as soon as possible.
You can pay the tax in two different ways:
Cash: We will send you the Modelo 210. Print out the form and take it to any Spanish bank. There you can pay the amount.
Direct Debit: The amount due will be debited directly from your account. This can also be a non-Spanish bank account, provided it is in the SEPA zone.
Each co-owner must submit the form separately, calculating the tax amount to be paid in proportion to the percentage of ownership.
For example, local taxes, home or mortgage insurance premiums, maintenance and repair costs and management fees.
Only citizens of an EU member state or a country that is part of the European Economic Area (EEA) may deduct these costs from their rental income.
Use our calculators to calculate what you should pay or receive.
If you spend less than 183 days per calendar year in Spain, you fall into the non-resident category.
Cadastral value is a government-established value used for tax purposes, while market value is the estimated price at which it could be sold on the open market.
The cadastral value (Valor Catastral) and the cadastral reference (Referencia Catastral) are essential data for non-resident taxes and can be found on various documents surrounding your property.
- IBI statement
- Bank statement for the IBI payment
- Purchase deed (escritura)
- Catastro website(digital certificate required)
You must file two separate Modelo 210s: one for rental income and one for owning the property. So if you rent out your property, you always file a Modelo 210 at least twice a year.
For each application, we need at least the following information:
For residential rentals, we additionally need:
For residential sales, we additionally need:
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*Homes with more than two owners are subject to an additional charge of €54 per additional owner.
Gestoraz is by agreement a qualified Social Worker (Colaborador Social) with the Agencia Tributaria.
As a result, we are legally authorized to file tax returns on your behalf and you, the client, will receive accurate, reliable and up-to-date information from us.